Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Morning Glories

As you can see, I am pretty excited about my new blooms. And I have much to confirm that I am growing morning glories right outside my home. They open in the day, and close at night. If anyone else can confirm with me what they are, I would be majorly thankful!

And I think I take better pictures during the day, probably due to the sucky camera I have. Am trying my very best to save enough to get myself a good SLR camera. Which one, I am not entirely sure yet. I am fairly new, and I have taken a liking to macro photography. Perhaps someone can recommend me a good setup?



Anyway, here are day and night shots for my flowers. I had to crop out the night pictures due to the fact that I cannot seem to focus well at night. There was too much dark sky space in the original. Lighting proved a major problem cos my camera couldn't capture it enough, and I cannot adjust shutter speeds for my camera. I had to shoot a lil further away due to my use of flash. I did not want the subject matter to be too bright, and cause only a white image for the end result, without capturing the color of the flowers.

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