Friday, April 11, 2008

Home Sweet Home.

I had the honor of having a pair of olive backed sunbirds making a nest just outside my house. Exactly in the middle of our door. And we moved the nest a little higher so that they don't disrupt our way and we don't disrupt their little family building time. I got myself super excited when I found out they had eggs already in the nest just a day ago.

So armed with a camera.. I snapped away. I couldn't capture the eggs though, because it was far inside the nest, and I did not want to disturb their peace. I will take more pictures once the eggs have hatched and tiny heads and open beaks start peeking out through the nest! Can't wait!


The male species, being more colourful, has the olive/metallic green spot under their heads, at the neck area, hence their name. Picture quality was bad cos I had to zoom in x12 and I didn't have a tripod.

This was a lucky shot. The female bird perched right outside my room, overlooking my plants when they found out I disturbed their nest to peek in and see the eggs. She kept a close guard, but still kept a distance. Again, picture is blurred cos there was no tripod used.


Their home sweet home. Notice the door at the background. The nest used to be lower, and blocked our way in and out of the house. So we had to shift it a little further up. Hope they don't notice anything unusual. lol.


Miss Shirl said...

great pictures! I don't think I've ever seen a birds nest that looks like that.

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

What beautiful bird photos and nest. A great blog altogether.


2sweetnsaxy said...

Great shots! I just recently found a nest too but nothing as big as yours! Isn't it great!?